Ora King

Ora King

Inspiring people to ‘get back into the wild’, go off grid and cook over an open fire, MGI filmed the pilot for a TV series called ‘Cooking with Fire’.

Cooking is central to life and communities, helping to develop new connections with people and inspiring people to be more aware of the natural environment that remains essential to our lives and wellbeing.

‘Cooking with Fire’ seeks to inspire people to development meaningful relationships, moments and memories with the world around them, the food they eat, and the people, friends and family they are surrounded by. Through a strong connection with the world around us and ourselves, we will naturally look after the planet and care for the people and environment that surrounds us.

The pilot was filmed with Chef Jason Roberts who developed recipes using Taylor Pass Honey. Placing a spotlight on New Zealand’s fresh seafood, the recipes included Honey-Glazed Ora King Salmon with Salt and Pepper Flakes, and Honey Glazed Salmon rolls.

The pilot will air in 2022 on a major food network.

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